Iris gets a name

I’ve been a little under the weather these past few weeks with a wholly unimpressive (self-diagnosed) virus that has done the bare minimum to be irritating without ever developing into an illness worthy of the name. Still, it has meant constant headaches and an annoying level of tiredness that has meant blogging has taken a back-seat to childcare and work.

Iris and Kate

Iris with one of her godmothers, Kate

However, I’m feeling better now, which is just as well because we had a little ‘naming’ ceremony for Iris yesterday. She is 7½ months old and just the smiliest, sweetest little thing. We appointed her godparents, drank champagne, gave mini-speeches and ate cake. Lots of cake. Iris was asleep for most of it (a rare afternoon nap!) but woke up in time for gifts.

A word about the godparents. We are a pretty atheist family: Sophie puts herself nearer agnostic than atheist but definitely on that end of the spectrum, while I am an atheist for the simple reason that I just don’t believe in any gods. So why have we given our girls godparents? Read the rest of this entry »